Hidden Key

You run outside for just a second to toss out the trash, grab the mail, or retrieve a package from your porch. And somehow you get locked out! You may have locked yourself out accidentally or your child may have managed to lock you out. Either way, you are stuck outside and your child is alone in the house!

In another scenario, you step outside with your little one. When you come back from tossing the ball, creating sidewalk art, or taking a walk you realize you forgot to bring your keys and the door to your house is locked! You and your child are locked out of the house!

Or you could simply just have mom/dad brain and walk out of the house without your keys.

These scenarios could be a nightmare situation, or they could be an easy fix. 

An easy fix

To prevent these situations, you can install keypad or smart locks or you could simply Hide A Key!

There are many ways you can do this. Simply hide it under or in something you already own, or you can purchase all kinds of hide-a-key items. There are statues, fake rocks, fake thermometers, fake sprinklers, fake socket covers, magnetic holders, etc. You can also give a spare key to a trusted neighbor, or even hide it at your neighbor’s house. Some people even nail their spare to a tree. If you are creative, you can make a place to hide a key. (Ex. Glue a rock to a pill bottle cap, put the key inside the bottle, and bury it up to the rock.)

When you hide your key, it is a good idea to choose a place that is not near the lock. Make it as inconspicuous as possible. 

Where NOT to hide your key

Some of these places are just too obvious and the first place a thief might look.

• Under the door mat.
• In the mailbox.
• Under a pot near the door.
• Under a statue or figurine.
• Above the door frame.



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How To Prevent Clogged Milk Ducts When Breastfeeding

My Daughter and I begin our breastfeeding journey.

No one wants to get a clogged milk duct while breastfeeding. They can be incredibly painful and can lead to mastitis. 

A clogged milk duct appears as a hard lump in the breast that can become tender and sore. It happens when the milk duct does not drain properly. Pressure can build up behind the clog and cause irritation and inflammation. The breast area around the clog may become painful, red, and warm.    

I had a clogged duct when I was breastfeeding my son that led to mastitis complete with a fever, chills and flu-like aches. After that experience, I was determined to not go through that again.

I searched online for a solution and found a few people mention that they took lecithin every day to prevent clogs. I immediately went online and purchased a bottle of sunflower lecithin. I never experienced a clogged duct again! 

I wish I had known this before I started breastfeeding. So I am sharing this in hopes that it is helpful to you or someone you love. 


Sunflower Lecithin

Using lecithin as a preventive measure may not work for everyone, but it definitely helped me. I got through the remainder of my breastfeeding journey with my son without getting anymore clogs, and it is working to prevent them on my current breastfeeding journey with my daughter.

So, why does it work? Lecithin is thought to decrease the milk’s viscosity by increasing the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the milk. It basically makes the milk thinner and less sticky. Sunflower lecithin is usually the preferred lecithin to use, but soy lecithin should work just as well.

The recommended dose is 1200mg four times a day, not to exceed 5000mg a day.
As with any supplement, consult with your health professional before taking.

I prefer to take vegan capsules and finding supplements that don’t use a gelatin capsule can be difficult. The brand I use is Lekithos Sunflower Lecithin. I take 2 capsules daily (1400mg) at night with dinner. If it seems like I need more, I will take 2 additional capsules during the day.

Products Discussed In This Post

Lekithos Sunflower Lecithin Capsules







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In addition to preventing clogs, I have found that sunflower lecithin will help to loosen clogs. I really hope it works as well for you as it has for me.


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The Fa Fa Fairy

How the Fa Fa Fairy helped my toddler
give up the pacifier in only two days.






There are many names for it: binky, paci, nuk, soother, dummy, hubby, pacifier, etc. My son called it his Fa Fa.

A month or two after his second birthday, we decided it was time to phase out the Fa Fa. We, of course, had no idea how to do this. But, it was definitely time. I also felt like it was effecting the positioning of his upper teeth.

Using a pacifier was a suggestion from his pediatrician shortly after he was born, and he had been sucking on one from almost day one. It definitely soothed him between feedings as a newborn. Before he could walk, he would have his Fa Fa with him randomly throughout the day. But as soon as he started walking, he used it less and less until he only really wanted it when he snuggled up to sleep.

His Fa Fa was his constant bedtime and nap time companion. He HAD to have one to sleep. He would have little melt downs if he didn’t have it. Even would wake us up in the middle of the night crying because his couldn’t find his precious Fa Fa. (Usually it was right beside him.) We had at least a handful that would rotate from being used to being cleaned. And even with so many in rotation, somehow some days we would be scouring the house for one, frantically searching for a Fa Fa to tame the tiny wild beast’s cries of despair.


Who is the Fa Fa Fairy?

The Fa Fa Fairy (or Pacifier Fairy) is a magical fairy that comes at night, long after your toddler has fallen asleep, and swaps out their collection of pacifiers for a special gift.

How It Worked For Us

My son is a planner. He always needs to know what is going to happen ahead of time. So, a few days before the fairy’s visit we discussed with him what was going to happen. He wasn’t happy about it at first, but he came around when he found out he would get a special gift from the Fa Fa Fairy.

The day of her visit we gathered up every Fa Fa and placed them in a large organza bag and set them out for the Fa Fa Fairy to collect.


There were a few tears that night as we tucked him into bed without his precious Fa Fa. We made sure to discuss that although he would not see the Fa Fa again, in the morning there would be a gift for him.  

The next morning, he woke up excited for his gift. And was proud of himself for being a big boy and sleeping through the night without a Fa Fa. He did have his special lovey, Elphie, to help him through the night. And after the Fa Fa left, his attachment to Elphie and Bunny (another of his loveys) grew.



I must admit, the first night after the Fa Fa Fairy visited, he had a huge meltdown about going to bed without his Fa Fa. We had discovered a Fa Fa earlier that day that hadn’t been collected with the others and he wanted it. So the Fa Fa Fairy had to make a second appearance at our house to take the final Fa Fa.

He woke up that next morning to a final small gift from the Fa Fa Fairy. That night we had a few sniffles, but he no longer needed his Fa Fa. 





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Every child is different, and finding the pacifier that they prefer can be challenging. 
I liked the glow-in-the dark ones because they were easier to find at night when he would lose them. 

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When I was pregnant with my son, I had the absolute worst heartburn. It was especially bad during my third trimester. Just drinking water would give me heartburn. Seriously.

Heartburn seems to be a common concern during pregnancy. Everyone kept telling me that it meant my son would have a full head of hair when he was born. (He did have quite a bit!) All I knew was that I was in agony.

I tried everything to try and soothe the burning: OTC antacids, drinking shots of apple cider vinegar, drinking nut milks, avoiding certain foods, eating ginger, eating almonds, etc. Nothing was working. Luckily, my midwife gave me a suggestion that worked amazingly well and I want to share it with you.

Papaya Enzymes

Papaya enzymes were my best friend. I took them everywhere with me. They worked almost instantly and completely. They were little miracle pills! Whenever I felt that evil burn churning, I would chew one up and feel better. Sometimes I had to chew two or three to soothe the heartburn dragon, but they worked better than anything else I had tried.

Personally I disliked the papaya enzymes that had the minty flavor. I found a brand that tasted sweet like papaya. It was vegan, gluten-free, and delicious! Unfortunately, and like many products that I fall in love with, it is no longer made. I found it at CVS… Radiance Platinum Papaya Enzymes. I bought up a few bottles as soon as I discovered they were discontinued because they worked so well. My partner and I continue to use them whenever we get heartburn.

I, honestly, very rarely get heartburn now, but I will never forget that horrible feeling. Can’t lie down, can’t sleep, can’t focus on anything but that awful burn in your chest. I feel you. If you are suffering, please grab a bottle of papaya enzymes!


It’s 2023 and I am currently pregnant with my second baby and she is a little dragon too, breathing fire into my chest.

I had to find a new favorite papaya enzyme: Carlyle Chewable Papaya Enzyme. These little pills work great and taste like delicious, sweet, papaya. One bottle has lasted my entire pregnancy.


Products Discussed In This Post

Carlyle Chewable Papaya Enzyme

 A Booyah Must Have! 





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I know how sensitive the pregnancy taste buds can be. Unless you absolutely love that minty flavor, I recommend purchasing the papaya or fruit flavored papaya enzymes. You are going to be popping them in your mouth quite frequently and the fruity ones are much more tolerable, in my opinion. The mint ones made me gag.

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Swallowing Pills

When I was a teenager, I choked on a Sudafed pill, one of those ridiculously huge pills. Why do they make them that big? Thankfully, my mom was there to give me the Heimlich. The pill shot out of me like a bullet and into the sliding glass door. Ever since then, I have had a very hard time swallowing pills. I will avoid it whenever possible and buy a lot of liquids, chewables, and gummies.

For those times when I cannot find a suitable alternative to a capsule or tablet, these are the tricks to swallowing pills that have helped me immensely: 

Pressed pills

Those hard, pressed tablets are the worst. Especially when they are the huge ones. The trick that works for me is to place the pill in my mouth, take a big sip of water, and tilt my head back. I wait until I can feel the pill heading towards my throat, then I swallow. This works because the pressed pills are heavy and sink.   

Capsule Pills

If I have to take a pill, these are the ones I prefer. I place the pill in my mouth, lean my head forward by tipping my chin towards my chest. When I feel the pill heading towards my throat I swallow. This works for the soft-gel capsules and the hard-shell capsules. And the reason it works is because these types of pills float.



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My grandma used to put her pills in her mouth with food. Tried that once. Nope.

My dad can just swallow a whole handful of pills at once! That’s like some kind of superhuman feat.  

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Instant Stain Removal Hack

Never in my life had I dealt with so many stains until my son entered our life. Babies and toddlers are the most adorable little mess makers. 

My son loves to eat cherries from our cherry tree. Any cherry he can reach goes right in his mouth. Cherry juice stains are soon to follow.

He is mischief walking, and stains are just a part of the mayhem. At the end of the day, if his clothes or some part of the house isn’t stained in some way, it’s a miracle.

Well, I’m here to offer a solution. This hack will save you time, money, frustration, and cut down on that never-ending pile of laundry. 

On One side We have:

Cherry Juice Stain

Freshly dripped from my toddler’s mouth and ready to settle in.

And on the other:

Magic Spray

Freshly made right at home and ready to destroy that stain!



Baby/Toddler/Little Kid Sock Organizing Hack

There is nothing cuter than baby feet.
Oh! those wittle teeny toes!! And those cute little feet need cute little socks. So many socks! 

My son has a drawer full of little socks. They are too small to roll into pairs and, for many months, were just in chaos in a drawer. Every time we needed a pair, it was a time consuming game of find the matching pair.

The chaos ended when I figured out a simple trick to keep them matched. So, here is an easy hack to keep all those socks organized and matched:

Use sewing clips

This picture of my son cuddling with his sock always makes me smile. 

I  used to have a few jokes about pairs of matching socks, but I’ve lost one.”



How to remove Toddler Marker art from your laminate wood floor

Today, my little one grabbed a permanent marker off the countertop, removed the cap, and drew this wonderful artwork on the floor. I swear it all happened in less than 10 seconds. He is so fast. Like super human fast. I think toddlers have superpowers and one of them is the snatch-and-grab. How do they move with such speed, agility and precision to do their mischief, but a walk down the hall can cause them to trip over air and fall flat on their face? It’s baffling.
