Instant Stain Removal Hack
Never in my life had I dealt with so many stains until my son entered our life. Babies and toddlers are the most adorable little mess makers.
My son loves to eat cherries from our cherry tree. Any cherry he can reach goes right in his mouth. Cherry juice stains are soon to follow.
He is mischief walking, and stains are just a part of the mayhem. At the end of the day, if his clothes or some part of the house isn’t stained in some way, it’s a miracle.
Well, I’m here to offer a solution. This hack will save you time, money, frustration, and cut down on that never-ending pile of laundry.
On One side We have:
Cherry Juice Stain
Freshly dripped from my toddler’s mouth and ready to settle in.
And on the other:
Magic Spray
Freshly made right at home and ready to destroy that stain!