When The Gender Reveal Reveal’s Sadness, Just Know You Are Not Alone. 

I’ve always wanted children. It was never a matter of if, it was when. As a teenager I always thought it would be amazing to have a son and then a daughter. I guess because I secretly wished I had an older brother. But, if it boiled down to it, I really wanted a daughter. I wanted a relationship like I had with my mom, a mother and daughter bond that was more like best friends. My mom and I joked that we were the Gilmore Girls. We related to that show on so many levels. It was always just me and my mom against the world. And we had such fun!

Tragically, my mom passed away when I was 30. Ten years after her passing, I got pregnant. It was a bittersweet moment. I was elated that I was finally going to be a mom, but a motherless mother was not something I was prepared for. Embarking on the journey of motherhood without my mom’s guidance was difficult, but I was convinced in my heart that I was going to have a girl, and that girl would somehow mend a piece of my broken heart.  
