
Gender Disappointment

When The Gender Reveal Reveal’s Sadness, Just Know You Are Not Alone.  I’ve always wanted children. It was never a matter of if, it was when. As a teenager I always thought it would be amazing to have a son and then a daughter. I guess because I secretly wished I had an older brother. […]



Quick Tip: Hidden Key

Hidden Key You run outside for just a second to toss out the trash, grab the mail, or retrieve a package from your porch. And somehow you get locked out! You may have locked yourself out accidentally or your child may have managed to lock you out. Either way, you are stuck outside and your […]



Quick Tip: Prevent Clogged Milk Ducts

How To Prevent Clogged Milk Ducts When Breastfeeding No one wants to get a clogged milk duct while breastfeeding. They can be incredibly painful and can lead to mastitis.  A clogged milk duct appears as a hard lump in the breast that can become tender and sore. It happens when the milk duct does not […]



TTC, Pregnancy and Parenting Acronyms

TTC, Preganancy & Parenting Acronym Guide and Glossary of Terms Meanings of BD, BFP, BFN, FTM and more… When I first started my TTC Journey I joined a few online groups of other women who were on the same path. Groups like this are a wonderful way to find support and camaraderie during what can […]



Mommy Hack: Say Bye Bye To The Pacifier

  The Fa Fa Fairy How the Fa Fa Fairy helped my toddler give up the pacifier in only two days.       The FA FA   There are many names for it: binky, paci, nuk, soother, dummy, hubby, pacifier, etc. My son called it his Fa Fa. A month or two after his […]



It’s Not A Vagina

Body Parts For Toddlers A common discussion I see on on parenting groups is what to call your children’s body parts, specifically their genitals. Some parents choose to go with nicknames like: wee-wee, pee-pee, cha-cha, weeny, willy, winky, dinky, vah-jay-jay, gee-gee, down there, privates, cheech, coochie, twig and berries, pickle, balls, cookie, etc. While these […]



Being an ‘Older Mom’ Can Be Lonely

FIRST TIME MOTHERHOOD OVER 40 DURING A PANDEMIC WHILE TRYING TO CONCIEVE Loneliness Being a stay-at-home-mom, over 40, during a pandemic was a lonely experience.  Not many of my friends were at the beginning of their parenting adventure. They had teenagers or young adults. Many were becoming empty nesters. They were traveling, going out all […]



Quick Tip: Heartburn

HEARTBURN When I was pregnant with my son, I had the absolute worst heartburn. It was especially bad during my third trimester. Just drinking water would give me heartburn. Seriously. Heartburn seems to be a common concern during pregnancy. Everyone kept telling me that it meant my son would have a full head of hair […]



My Chemical Pregnancy

the week we shared In the span of a week, I became a mother again and lost, who would’ve been, my second child.  The week we shared was an emotional rollercoaster. It was beautiful, and it was tragic. All I knew of you was a little pink line and the place you took in my […]



Quick Tip: Swallowing Pills

Swallowing Pills When I was a teenager, I choked on a Sudafed pill, one of those ridiculously huge pills. Why do they make them that big? Thankfully, my mom was there to give me the Heimlich. The pill shot out of me like a bullet and into the sliding glass door. Ever since then, I […]


