Well… Kind of

I used to love to do yoga before I got pregnant. I was always more of a pop in a DVD or stream a video kind of person. I tried a couple of classes, but they just weren’t for me. I was too self conscious and too aware of everyone else in the room to really get into it. 

When I found out about my tummy traveler, I even bought some pregnancy yoga DVDs. I used them once, then decided to take a nap. Naps then took precedence over anything else.

It has been years now since I’ve felt those feelings of calm, strength, unity, and centeredness that only yoga provides. But… 

Yesterday I did 20 minutes worth of yoga! YAY!
It took 40+ minutes though, because I had to:

• With urgency, retrieve all of the toys and trucks that my toddler rolled under the couch. He was having a mental breakdown about needing them. Every single one. Even the one that was impossible to reach and I had to search for the perfect lengthed thing to reach it. Once they were all retrieved. He didn’t want any of them and went on to play with something else.
• Get off the yoga mat because my son needed to flip it upside down, fold it up, and lay on it.
• Make him a “shake shake” (protein shake)
• Keep him from doing all the things he is not supposed to do, but was doing because I was distracted.
• Pause and rewind the video many many times.
• Reposition myself several times because he was trying to do yoga too. (I really loved this and was hoping he would join in, but after he would do a position, he would look at me and laugh. He was doing the positions better than me because I’m so out of practice and out of shape. I think he was actually making fun of me. Lol!)
• Open doors so dogs could go in and out and in and out.
• Take his hand and walk down the hall for no apparent reason.

It has been suggested to do yoga after I put my son to bed. And although that would be the perfect time to really get in the zone, I honestly want him to be a part of it and be interested in doing it with me. 

I’m trying it again today. Wish me luck!



How does yoga time go in your house?
I’d love to know and would appreciate any tips on how to get my toddler more involved.
Please leave a reply down below.

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