How To Prevent Clogged Milk Ducts When Breastfeeding

My Daughter and I begin our breastfeeding journey.

No one wants to get a clogged milk duct while breastfeeding. They can be incredibly painful and can lead to mastitis. 

A clogged milk duct appears as a hard lump in the breast that can become tender and sore. It happens when the milk duct does not drain properly. Pressure can build up behind the clog and cause irritation and inflammation. The breast area around the clog may become painful, red, and warm.    

I had a clogged duct when I was breastfeeding my son that led to mastitis complete with a fever, chills and flu-like aches. After that experience, I was determined to not go through that again.

I searched online for a solution and found a few people mention that they took lecithin every day to prevent clogs. I immediately went online and purchased a bottle of sunflower lecithin. I never experienced a clogged duct again! 

I wish I had known this before I started breastfeeding. So I am sharing this in hopes that it is helpful to you or someone you love. 


Sunflower Lecithin

Using lecithin as a preventive measure may not work for everyone, but it definitely helped me. I got through the remainder of my breastfeeding journey with my son without getting anymore clogs, and it is working to prevent them on my current breastfeeding journey with my daughter.

So, why does it work? Lecithin is thought to decrease the milk’s viscosity by increasing the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the milk. It basically makes the milk thinner and less sticky. Sunflower lecithin is usually the preferred lecithin to use, but soy lecithin should work just as well.

The recommended dose is 1200mg four times a day, not to exceed 5000mg a day.
As with any supplement, consult with your health professional before taking.

I prefer to take vegan capsules and finding supplements that don’t use a gelatin capsule can be difficult. The brand I use is Lekithos Sunflower Lecithin. I take 2 capsules daily (1400mg) at night with dinner. If it seems like I need more, I will take 2 additional capsules during the day.

Products Discussed In This Post

Lekithos Sunflower Lecithin Capsules







What tips do you have for preventing clogged ducts?
What works for you? I’d love to know.
Please leave a reply down below.




In addition to preventing clogs, I have found that sunflower lecithin will help to loosen clogs. I really hope it works as well for you as it has for me.


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