Body Parts For Toddlers

A common discussion I see on on parenting groups is what to call your children’s body parts, specifically their genitals.

Some parents choose to go with nicknames like: wee-wee, pee-pee, cha-cha, weeny, willy, winky, dinky, vah-jay-jay, gee-gee, down there, privates, cheech, coochie, twig and berries, pickle, balls, cookie, etc.

While these euphemisms (or the unique or silly name your child comes up with on their own) may be funny and cute, I am on the side of making sure they know the proper anatomical names. We have used “penis” to name my son’s penis from day one.

The embarrassment of sex and sexuality that has been passed on between generations is outdated. I grew up feeling uncomfortable about certain parts of my body and I did not want to pass that onto my child.

I feel like using accurate anatomical language empowers and educates your child. At bath time we would name all my sons body parts as we washed them. This way he sees all his body parts as equal. “Let’s get your ears clean. Cleaning your elbow now. Washing your penis.” There is no shameful body part and he knows what all of them are properly called. We have allowed him to freely discuss all parts of his body. Sexualizing, shaming, or creating negativity or embarrassment about a certain body part is a learned behavior and something adults do, not children. Body curiosity and learning anatomy is healthy and natural.

As a funny side note, when we were diapering my son and would use wet wipes to clean him up, he would occasionally laugh, squirm and say, “Ice penis! Ice penis!” I guess we should have invested in a wipes warmer, but since we lived in Florida in the overwhelming heat it seemed unnecessary. Perhaps we will invest in one for our soon-to-be-born daughter.

It’s NOT A Vagina

For those parents who choose to use accurate anatomical language, penis and vagina seem to be the ones they start with. But this is not entirely correct, and is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. 

I think it is a societal or cultural thing to group all of the female genetalia into one word, vagina. But the vagina is actually only one part of the female anatomy and it is an internal part. 

Instead of penis and vagina, we should be using penis, scrotum, and vulva. The vulva is the accurate name for the external female organs that a child sees. The vulva includes the mons pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris, and the external openings of the urethra and vagina. The vagina is the internal, muscular canal that connects the vulva to the uterus. It’s where the uterine lining is shed during menstration, where babies pass through during childbirth, and where penetration occurs during sex.

When my daughter is learning her body parts, I will definitely be using vulva, not vagina. 

Image by Freepik




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