Baby App Review


This app is designed to help track the mental development leaps of your baby from birth to 20 months old.


  • Baby Mental Development Tracker and Calendar 
  • Available for download in Apple App Store and Google Play

my experience

When I found out about the Wonder Weeks app, I downloaded it immediately. It was spot on with the developmental leaps that my son was experiencing.

Whenever he would get unusually cranky, demanding, or exhibiting a difference in his normal “sunny” behavior, I would open the app, and check out the leap chart. Sure enough, he would be in a “stormy period.”  This app not only helped me to notice and understand my son’s behavioral and mood changes, but it also went in depth with the  reason behind them. The leaps track the stages of mental and skill development and the app allows you to recognize the skills that your baby is learning. It also gives you knowledge to help assist your baby through each leap.

Wonder Weeks eased my mind that my parenting skills weren’t the reason for his cranky behavior; it was the leap! I could also see when the leap would end. This definitely helped get through the challenging times.     

My Recommendation



What  is a leap?

I heard other moms talking about their babies being in a leap and I asked them, “What is a leap?” That is how I found out about Wonder Weeks.

A leap is when a baby is going through a mental development stage. It’s like a growth spurt of the brain. They may appear fussier than usual because they are adapting to a totally new way of relating to the world around them. According to the research of Dr Hetty van de Rijt and Dr. Frans Plooij there are ten leaps that a baby goes through until they are about 20 months old. 

The Final Leap

My son has now aged out of the Wonder Weeks app. Leap 10 is the last leap that they document, and it occurs at 17 months old.

Although I am disappointed that I am no longer able to turn to the Wonder Weeks app to accompany my little one’s developmental journey, I am so grateful for the time we had together. It helped tremendously. If you are expecting or have a new baby at home, I highly recommend downloading the Wonder Weeks app.



Inside the app, you can purchase these extras as an upgrade subscription package:
• Baby Monitor
• Classical Music Tracks
• Audiobook
• Ebook
• White Noise
• Checklists

I never purchased these Wonder Week extras, so I cannot tell you about them. They also have a Wonder Weeks book that apparently goes more in depth about all of the leaps.

Product acquisition



Where To Buy

Visit the Wonder Weeks order page: 



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I can’t say that this app will work as well for your baby as it did for mine. Every baby’s journey is unique. But, I do think it can be a wonderful addition to your arsenal of parenting tools.


The Wonder Weeks App






Easy to Navigate and Use


What I Love

  • Accurate
  • Helps you understand your baby’s mental development
  • Available in the Apple App Store and Google Play

What I Don’t Love

  • Only documents development until 20 months of age
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