Instant Stain Removal Hack

Never in my life had I dealt with so many stains until my son entered our life. Babies and toddlers are the most adorable little mess makers. 

My son loves to eat cherries from our cherry tree. Any cherry he can reach goes right in his mouth. Cherry juice stains are soon to follow.

He is mischief walking, and stains are just a part of the mayhem. At the end of the day, if his clothes or some part of the house isn’t stained in some way, it’s a miracle.

Well, I’m here to offer a solution. This hack will save you time, money, frustration, and cut down on that never-ending pile of laundry. 

On One side We have:

Cherry Juice Stain

Freshly dripped from my toddler’s mouth and ready to settle in.

And on the other:

Magic Spray

Freshly made right at home and ready to destroy that stain!

Let’s have a clean fight

The secret to this hack is: Force Of Nature (FON). Or what I lovingly refer to it as, Magic Water. If you haven’t read my extensive review of FON yet, CLICK HERE to read all about it.

All you have to do is just spray FON directly on the stain, rub or dab it with a microfiber cloth (or any cloth, really). You may have to spray and repeat a few times before you start to see the stain disappear. Once you can no longer see the stain, let it air dry, and the stain will be gone forever. Simple. Easy. Fast!

FON is so safe to use that I do this process while he is still wearing his clothes. No need to change his outfit a million times a day because of stains.

FON contains no toxic chemicals, skin allergens or irritants. I feel completely safe allowing my son to be in contact with FON. 

And not only is FON amazing on clothing stains, it also works wonders around the house. (Set in red wine stains on white carpet? No problem!)

Helpful Tip

Whenever we leave the house, we bring FON with us in a small portable spray bottle. Not only is this useful when we encounter stains, but we also use it as a disinfectant on our hands, masks, public surfaces, etc.

(FON is approved for use against the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.)


As you can see in the before and after photo, the clear winner is Magic Spray (AKA Force of Nature, FON, or as my son simply calls it, “Spray.”)

I love FON

Does this hack has you loving Force of Nature too?

If you use the links on this page, I will earn a small commission when you purchase a starter kit or value bundle. This helps support my family as I work to help other families make safer product choices.


$15 OFF + FREE Shipping on Extra Value Bundles (Starter Kit + 25 Capsules)
Use the code: MUSTHAVE

CLICK HERE or below to purchase now!
You won’t regret it!! ♥♥♥




What are your stain removal secrets/hacks?
Do you use Force of Nature?
I’d love to know.
Please leave a reply down below.





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