Booyah MOm Recommendations

An explanation of the star ratings used on the site

5 STARS – Must Have

This is a product that I not only love and highly recommend,
but have deemed it an absolute must have!
It is something that I can’t imagine living without.

5 stars – love

I love this product. The highest in quality and usefulness.
I highly recommend it.

4 stars – like

I like this product. I think it is great quality and very useful.

3 stars – okay

This product is okay. It’s not terrible, it’s just something I would not purchase again.
Someone, somewhere might really like it… just not me.

2 stars – meh

I don’t like or dislike this product.
I’m indifferent or maybe even mildly disappointed in it.

1 star – nope

I dislike this product. I do not recommend it.
Stay far far away.


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Thanks! Helpful Info.
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Take My Money!
Booyah Must Have!
Booyah Must Have!
Wow! Mind Blown.
Wow! Mind Blown.
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This Isn't For Me