exclamation. INFORMAL • US

DEFINITION of booyah
– used to express excitement, exultation, exuberance, or joy.

– said by my son after someone sneezes.


When my son was less than a year old, he started saying “Booyah!” in place of “bless you.” It has now become our family custom. If you sneeze, you get a boisterous, “BOOYAH!” This new exclamation may not be as courteous, but it’s a lot more fun. It represents a joyous celebration of life, and that is exactly what my son has brought into the world. I am so proud to be his mom.



Thank you for visiting my site!

I am blessed to be the momma of a beautiful tribe of two fur babies, three shell babies, and two precious human babies.

Our food doesn’t scream.

This site is just getting started, please check back often to see what’s new!


Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”  – John Hughes (Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)

Laughter And Love

I believe the secret to a joyous life is found in the present moment. Happiness happens when you set out to do everything with love and a positive intention.

None of us can escape the ups-and-downs or the twists-and-turns that life throws at us. But we can find ways to make our moments matter. And one of those ways is to figure out how to fill our moments with laughter. 

Laughter truly is the best medicine. Well, that and a surprise hug from my little guy. “Huggies!”

Mommy moments

Being a mom has its challenges and triumphs.
I’m ready to share them all.



cruelty-free life

Choosing to live a compassionate life is a such a rewarding decision. From delicious plant-based recipes to selecting the best cruelty-free products, I am here to share my journey and help you along the way.



After much research and trial & error, I’ll let you know my honest and unbiased experiences.

